This was the best teaching class for the Advanced Grammar Lab 0420. The one-hour lesson had consistent flow, engagement, and participation. We had another full class today; it is very impressive and rewarding to see as I know some of the students are in another country and it is very early in the morning for them. I know that for some of my students, it is between 2:00 am and 5:00 am when they are attending the Grammar lab. I am glad that they value their education and they are willing to participate in class despite the time difference.
For today’s lecture, we focused on a quick warm-up activity, two main activities, and a closing activity with a theme of culture shock. I thought this was an important theme to incorporate as so many of these students have experienced culture shock before. Having volunteers to read through the reading comprehension text was great and students were very involved in activity one. Using the interactive whiteboard, students were able to circle their answers. Activity two consisted of a grammar review worksheet, I think the students enjoyed this activity. Students were placed into breakout rooms and as I was going in and out of each breakout room, I heard great communication and problem-solving skills to determine the answer. We then had volunteers from each group go over the answers.
Today’s class was lots of fun, I love working with my students. Today’s lesson flowed so easily, there was great communication between my partner and I, there were no technical difficulties, we had some great volunteers to read the selection of text for activity one. I wish all my lessons going forward could be this easy and fun!