This was my favourite video observation because I was introduced to my future grammar students! I will be teaching a grammar lab throughout the rest of the semester to a class of twelve students, all of whom I met today. I was able to meet the students and understand their English proficiency level. The students had great interaction, were keen learners, and understood the lesson material very well. The students were also very polite which was amazing.
During the attendance, the professor asked students how their weekend was. This was a great way to start the class as it facilitated classroom discussion. The instructor spoke in a nice clear coherent tone, making it easy to follow the lesson material. During the warmup, the professor provided an overview of how to navigate the course website, how to access grades and assignments. This was a great way for the students to be reminded of the expectations of the course while allowing students to ask any questions they may have regarding their previous assignments. The professor asked the students to review their grades and comments, seeking out help when necessary. The instructor plays a supportive role, making sure every student succeeds. When I begin teaching, I would also like to take a supporter role to ensure every student comprehends the lesson material to succeed in the course and future situations.
The instructor had a nice PowerPoint presentation outlining the unit and the course objectives. Using colour-coordinated PowerPoint slides, allowed students to understand the lecture material and more specifically the grammar being used. A variety of resources were used, such as a PowerPoint presentation, a live video, personal examples, and textbook resources. This provided an opportunity for the students to learn through different techniques.
The class was two hours long, the instructor allotted 10 minutes of break time after the first hour to allow students to get a drink, a snack, and refresh before heading onto the second hour of class. The instructor finished the class with worksheet activities presented in class. Students worked together to do the required activities to test their understanding of the lesson material.
Each lesson is recorded. The students found this very helpful as students can reflect on previous learning as well as study past material. This is a technique I would like to use for my future lessons as I want students to have the resources and availability to review any of the material needed to help them succeed.