Immediately, the professor was very energetic within the first few minutes of class time. The professor’s workspace was well lit, using a professional microphone allows for clear concise listening and speaking. There were no distractions in the background making it easier for students to pay attention. The professor interacts well with students, using facial expressions and gestures help to articulate the words being spoken.
The professor uses a textbook and provides photos of the activities to be done in class. The professor used both a video camera as well as a PowerPoint presentation. The professor provides clear instructions on the activity and helps students to formulate sentences based on the activity. The students practiced their writing, listening comprehension, and pronunciation.
The instructor asked students to think of activities that fall under the following categories: fascinating, thrilling, frightening, and disgusting. Students would work together to write their thoughts under shared notes. A classroom discussion was held to discuss why some of these activities fall under such categories. The students were very engaged in this lesson. The activities have gone beyond my expectation of the learning objectives. Students were able to discuss through the microphone how the activities affected them. It was great to get to know the students on a personal level. The professor was very engaged with all the students, he provided feedback to each student, he corrected students when making mistakes and he played a supportive role in teaching.
I observed five students working together to discuss different places they like to study and why. Students expressed that they preferred to study at a coffee shop. Each of the group members led part of the discussion and facilitated questions addressed to the other students. During this observation session, I learned about different cultures around the world, I learned how the students communicate with one another, and how they help each other out when a student is struggling. Teamwork was an essential part of this lesson, students assisted one another through the following skills: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. It was great to see these students work together to improve their English skills.
For this observation session, I would not change a thing! I enjoyed learning from the students and the professor. The professor provided great techniques for students to improve their English. The instructor had a clear, well-lit background, and most of all the instructor was passionate about teaching. The lesson plans the professor provided were great and students were engaged throughout the lesson.